Friday, August 21, 2009

Karabakh Genocide

Karabakh Genocideقتل عام آذري هاي قره باغ به دست ارمنستان 


aşnak ve Ermeni diasporasinin büyük desteğiyle, Nisan 1998’de iktidara geçen Koçaryan, Hocalı katliamının mimarlarından olduğunu unutmuş olmalı ki, ilk iş olarak Türkiye’ye yönelik sözde ‘soykırım’ iddialarının dünya üzerinde tanınmasını Ermenistan'ın en önemli dış politika hedeflerinden biri olarak açıkladı....
Oysa, bizi mesnetsiz iddialarla suçlayanlar; ‘Büyük Ermenistan’ hayalini gerçekleştirmek uğruna, tek suçları Ermenilerin nüfusça yoğunlukta olduğu Azerbeycan’ın Karabağ bölgesinde yaşamak olan ‘Azeri’lere bakın neler yaptılar

Ermenistan’ın işgali altında bulunan Dağlık Karabağ bölgesinde 26 Şubat 1992’de neler olmuştu?... Azeriler tarafından ‘Kafkasların Milosevic’i; Ermeniler tarafından ‘Karabağ Kahramanı’ olarak nitelenen günümüzün Ermenistan Devlet Başkanı Robert Koçaryan’ın direktifleriyle Ermeni silahlı güçleri tarafından, hem de uluslarası basının gözleri önünde Hocalı’da gerçekleşen ‘Azeri Soykırımı’nı bugün?...kaçımız hatırlıyor

بیزیم سولدوز:خوجالی

بیزیم سولدوز: قره باغ

Link is Armenian

1. "Nezavisimaya gazeta" newspaper, February 1993
2. "Ogonek" magazine, Nos. 14-15, 1992
3. "Nezavisimaya gazeta" newspaper, 2 April 1992
4. "Novoye vremya" magazine, 6 March 2001
5. "Zerkalo" newspaper, July 1992
6. "Mukhalifat" newspaper, 28 April 1992
7. "Megapolis-Express", No. 17, 1992 
Sources are not Azerbaijani.

Originally Posted by Edoman View Post
Evidence from Azerbaijani sources

For nine years after the events in Khojaly official Baku has been obstinately fanning anti-Armenian hysteria with the aim of falsifying real events and discrediting the Armenian people in the eyes of the international community.
The events in Khojaly, which led to the death of civilians, were the results solely of political intrigues and a struggle for power in Azerbaijan.
The real reasons are most convincingly reflected in the accounts of Azerbaijanis themselves - as participants in and eyewitnesses of what happened - as well as of those who know the whole inside story of the events in Baku.
According to Azerbaijani journalist M. Safarogly, "Khojaly occupied an important strategic position. The loss of Khojaly was a political fiasco for Mutalibov". 1
Khojaly, along with Shushi and Agdam, was one of the main strongholds from which Stepanakert, the capital of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic, was shelled continuously and mercilessly for three winter months using artillery and missiles and launchers for targeting cities.
Knocking out the weapon emplacements in Khojaly and freeing the airport were the only way for the inhabitants of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic to ensure the physical survival of a population condemned by Azerbaijan to complete annihilation. The daily shelling of Stepanakert from nearby Khojaly took the lives of peaceful inhabitants - women, children and old people.
Former President of Azerbaijan, Ayaz Mutalibov, has emphasized that "… the assault on Khojaly was not a surprise attack"2. In a "Nezavisimaya gazeta" newspaper interview he stated that "a corridor was kept open by the Armenians for people to leave"3. However, a column of civilians was fired on by armed units of the Popular Front of Azerbaijan on the approaches to the Agdam district border, a fact later confirmed by Ayaz Mutalibov, who linked this criminal act to attempts by the opposition to remove him from power, and blamed it entirely for what happened.
In his recent interview with the "Novoye vremya" magazine, Mutalibov confirms his statement of nine year ago: "The shooting of the Khojaly residents was obviously organized by someone to take control in Azerbaijan"4.

Similar comments and views concerning the events in Khojaly are known to have been made by several other highly-placed Azerbaijani officials and journalists.
There is, moreover, the conclusion of Azerbaijani journalist Arif Yunusov, which differs somewhat from the previous statements: "The town and its inhabitants were deliberately sacrificed for a political purpose - to prevent the Popular Front of Azerbaijan from coming to power"5. In this case, though, the Azerbaijanis themselves are named as the perpetrators of the tragedy.
What resulted from the betrayal of the inhabitants of Khojaly by their own highly placed compatriots is well known. Azerbaijani propaganda has railed to the whole world about the "atrocities of the Armenians", supplying television stations with horrendous pictures of a field strewn with mutilated bodies. Khojaly is claimed to have been the "Armenians' revenge for Sumgait".
Tamerlan Karayev, at one time Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijan Republic, bears witness: "The tragedy was committed by the authorities of Azerbaijan", and specifically by "someone highly placed"6.
The Czech journalist Jana Mazalova, who by an oversight of the Azerbaijanis was included in both of the groups of press representatives to be shown the "bodies mutilated by the Armenians", noted a substantial difference in the two cases. When she went to the scene immediately after the events, Mazalova did not see any traces of barbarous treatment of the bodies. Yet a couple of days later the journalists were shown disfigured bodies already "prepared" for pictures.
Who killed the peaceful inhabitants of Khojaly and then mutilated their bodies, if the tragedy occurred not in a village taken by Armenians or on the route of the humanitarian corridor, but on the approaches to the town of Agdam - on territory fully controlled by the Popular Front of Azerbaijan?

The independent Azerbaijani cameraman Chingiz Mustafayev, who took pictures on 28 February and 2 March 1992, had doubts about the official Azerbaijani version and began his own inquiry. The journalist's very first report to the Moscow news agency "D-press" on the possible complicity of the Azerbaijani side in the crimes cost Mustafayev his life: he was killed nor far from Agdam, under circumstances that are still unexplained.
The current President of Azerbaijan, Heydar Aliyev, himself recognized that Azetbaijan's "former leadership was also guilty" of events in Khojaly. Already in April 1992, according to the agency Bilik-Dunyasy, he had commented as follows: "The bloodshed will be to our advantage. We should not interfere in the course of events". To whose "advantage" was the bloodshed is clear to everyone. "Megapolis-Express" wrote: "It cannot be denied that if the Popular Front of Azerbaijan actually set far-reaching objectives, they have been achieved. Mutalibov has been compromised and overthrown, public opinion worldwide has been shaken, and the Azerbaijanis and their Turkish brethren have believed in the so-called "genocide of the Azerbaijani people in Khojaly"7.
One other tragic detail. It has become clear since the events that 47 Armenian hostages were already being held on 26 February in "peaceful" Khojaly, a fact that the Azerbaijani mass media "covering" the tragedy have failed to mention. After the liberation of Khojaly only 13 hostages (including 6 woman and 1 child) were found there, the other 34 having been taken away by the Azerbaijanis to an unknown location. The only thing known about them is that they were led from the village on the night of the operation, but never reached Agdam. There is still no information concerning what eventually happened to them or confirming that they continued to be held captive by the Azerbaijanis.
Obviously, those who wanted to create the impression that bodies had been mutilated by the Armenians first of all disfigured the bodies of those same Armenian hostages, in order to make it impossible to identify them. Precisely for that purpose the outer clothing was removed from many of the bodies and precisely for that reason the bodies of the unfortunate victims were damaged so badly that they became unrecognizable.
In the light of the above facts it may confidently be said that the killing of peaceful inhabitants of the village of Khojaly and of the Armenian hostages being held there was the work of the Azerbaijani side, which committed this crime against its own people in the name of political intrigues and the struggle for power.

All the Armenian based sources are lie!

Armenia: The Great Deception Secrets of a Christian Terrorist State - Samuel A. Weems


This is a non-Turkish Source

Genocides against to Turks and Karabakh Genocide

History is full of genocides against Turks. As Turks, we do not (or know how to) lament, we never have written the things which have done against us down, consequently we have forgotten them easily. However, starting from the period when Turks withdraw from the Vienna in the West, and Caucasus in the East, the history is full of genocidal incidents. It was us; Turks and Muslims who faced with genocide in Vienna, Bosnia, Mora, Tri Poliche and in the other parts of the Balkans throughout the time. On the other hand, the last two centuries of he history is full of with genocides against Turks. In the Irevan Khanate, Baku, Gence and in many other Turkish regions the ones who have been slaughtered were Turks. However, today when we look at the Western public, it is significant contrast to see Turks are the ones accused with these crimes.

The Genocides and Emigration Azerbaijan Faced

More than 20% of Azerbaijan’s territories were occupied and more than one million people had to live with immigrant status during the Azerbaijan – Armenian War which started in 1988. More than one million people in Azerbaijan, a country with population of eight million, are in the status of immigrant. In other words, one person in every eight people is an immigrant in Azerbaijan. According to the figures regarding to the division of the immigrant population to the total population, Azerbaijan is the country which hosts the most immigrants in its own territory. %20 of Azerbaijan’s territories was occupied by the Armenians and %13 of the population has to live with the immigrant status within their historical homeland.

The first planned emigration and genocide against Azerbaijani Turks took place during 1905-1907 by Armenians in order to establish the “Great Armenia”. Afterwards, during 1918-1920 Azerbaijani Turks had to move from their territories by force for the second time. During the USSR era, in 1948-1953, approximately 150 thousand Azerbaijani Turks living in Armenia faced “great migration” and had to leave their homeland for the third time. The last emigration and genocide took place in front of the modern world, starting from the 1988 fights.

The problem of Nagorno Karabakh which turned into an armed conflict in 1988, extended outside the boundaries of the region. Gained victories allowed Armenians to enter into the deeper regions of Azerbaijan. Consequently, 20% of the Azerbaijani territory is occupied by the Armenian Armed Forces. During this occupation more than 20 thousand Azerbaijani citizens were killed. (Some writers, regarding to this issue, state that during 1988-1994 more than 35 thousand people died from both sides) More than 20 thousand people were injured, 50 thousand people has been disabled and 5101 Azerbaijani Turks were lost or/and captured. 66% of the captured Azerbaijani Turks is children. As one or more members from the Azerbaijani families died during the war, 7737 families received “martyr family” status. 1/3 of the Azerbaijani population was affected from the Nagorno Karabakh problem directly or indirectly. Because of the social, economic and political problems caused by the Nagorno Karabakh problem, citizens all over the country are affected.

Cost of the War

Armenian occupation in Azerbaijan resulted with a significant amount of economic loss which is calculated as 60 billion dollars. Because of this loss, in this specific region of Azerbaijan, approximately 7000 establishments including industrial and agricultural establishments were closed. These establishments were providing the 24% of the grain revenues, 41% of the alcohol production, 46% of the potato growth, 18% of the meat production and 34% of the milk production of the country’s economy. In addition, 616 schools, 242 nurseries, 683 libraries, more than 464 historical monuments and museums, 695 hospitals, clinics and health care centers, 724 residential villages have been occupied in the region. Besides from the occupation of this region, country’s ecological system is also significantly damaged and forests in the region were destroyed.

Occupied Territories in Azerbaijan

In 1988, Azerbaijan-Armenian problem turned into an armed conflict and after a short period, this armed conflict resulted with a regional war among these two countries. During this war, Armenian armed forces occupied 20% of the Azerbaijani territory including 890 rayons, villages, towns and settlements and the complete Nagorno Karabakh starting from 1988 until May, 12 1994, the day of the cease-fire. In Nagorno Karabakh, Azerbaijanis inhabited 2 cities, 1 village and 53 towns.

Armenian Armed Forces occupied;

Esregan-Hadrut in 1991,

Hocavend in February 18, 1992,

Hocali in February 25, 1992,

Şuşa in February 26, 1992,

Laçin in May 18, 1992,

Kelbecer in April 4, 1993,

Ağdam in July 23, 1993,

Fuzuli in August 24, 1993,

Zengilan in October 27, 1993,

Cebrayil in August 26, 1993,

Gubadlı in August 31, 1993.

Among the occupied territories, as a total of 676000 individuals; 192300 individuals from the Upper Karabakh with a total land area of 4388 km2, 59200 individuals from the Lacin (1835 km2), 29.500 individuals from the Şuşa (970 km2), 50500 individuals from the Kelbecer (1936 km2), 158.000 individuals from Ağdam (1093 km2), 100000 individuals from the Fuzuli (1386 km2), 51600 individuals from the Cebrayil (1059 km2), 30300 individuals from the Gubatlı (802 km2) and 33900 individuals from the Zengilan settlements had to leave their homelands and live in tents in the inner parts of Azerbaijan.

Historical monuments were destroyed, nature and environment was destroyed in the occupied Nagorno Karabakh and the cities around it. Significant damage was given to the environment and the civilian life during the Nagorno Karabakh war. However, the incidents happened in the Hocali village during the war cannot even fit into the definition of war and can be considered as a genocide.

The Location Genocide Took Place: Karabakh

Hocali town, one of the most important hills of the Upper Karabakh region, was a strategic military target for the Armenian Armed Forces. Strategically, Hocali was settled on the Ağdam-Şuşa, Eskeran-Hankendi routes on the Karabakh Mountain ranges. Geo-strategic position of the Hocali was suitable for the Armenian Armed Forces to attack here. Hocali is located 10 km southeast of the Hankendi. The only airport in the Karabakh region is located in Hocali.

Hocali was under blockade starting from October 1991. On October 30, transportation by land was blocked and the only transportation vehicles left were the helicopters. The last helicopter landed Hocali on January 28, 1992. Following the death of 40 people because of the shot of the civil helicopters over Şuşe, this way of transportation was also blocked. Starting from the January 2, no electricity was given to the town. Starting from the second half of February, Armenian Armed Forces imposed a blockade to Hocali and each day they bombed the town with cannons and heavy machine guns.

Hocali, a town with 936 km2 land area and a population of 11356 consisting of 2605 families, exposed to the century’s most brutal genocide and the town has been completely destroyed. During this massacre, Hocali was not under the protection of Azerbaijani Armed Forces and the town was in a completely vulnerable situation. There were 150 person with small arms scattered around Hocali. For a long time, Azerbaijani Armed Forces were not able to help Hocali community, and it took even longer to remove the corpses.

Armenian Armed Forces surrounded the town from three directions. They bombed the town with the support of helicopters and heavy weapons. Afterwards, they entered the town for a massacre. Armenians wanted to give a message to the region people by occupying this town. Indeed, the given message was too crucial for the Azerbaijani Turks. With the occupation and almost destruction of the Hocali, disengagement in the region has accelerated. Besides, this move was considered as a major military success because of its strategic importance. However, the most brutal genocide of the history of the mankind took place. On the other hand, this incident was a revenge of the 1915 events they were claiming.

What Has Happened in Karabakh?

On the night of the 25th of February connecting to the 26th, after closing the entry and exit of the Hocali town with the support of 366th Regiment in the region, Armenian Armed Forces murdered 613 people according to the official figures without distinguishing civilians, women, children and elderly people. 83 of them were children, 106 of them were women and more than 7 of them were elderly people. Normally, even in the most intense wars, this group was held outside the war, but Armenians brutally tortured and murdered even the elderly, women and children. From this massacre a total of 487 seriously injured people were survived. 1275 people taken as hostages and 150 people were lost. Examination on the bodies proved that most of the bodies were burnt, eyes were cut out, body parts including the ears, noses and heads were cut off. Even the pregnant women and children faced the same violence.
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Karabakh Genocide in the Western Press
- Krua l’Eveneman Magazine (Paris), February 25, 1992: The Armenians attacked Hocali. The whole world was witness to the bodies savagely murdered. Azeri are talking about the death of thousands.

- Sunday Times Newspaper (London), March 1, 1992: Armenian soldiers destroyed thousands of families.

- Financial Times Newspaper (London), March 9, 1992: Armenians shoot the army heading to Ağdam. Azeri counted approximately 1200 bodies. Lebanese cameraman confirmed that the wealthy Armenian Dashnak lobby sends weapons and troops to Karabakh.

- Times Newspaper (London), March 4, 1992: A lot of people have taken terrible conditions, an innocent girl’s head was left only.

- Izvestiya Newspaper (Moscow) March 4, 1992: The camera showed children whose ears were cut off. A woman’s face was cut in half. Men’s scalps were skinned.

- Le Monde Newspaper (Paris) March 14, 1992: The press on the Ağdam has seen women and children whose scalps were skinned among the murders in Hocali. They saw three people whose nails were removed.This is not an Azeri propaganda, this is a fact.

- İzvestiya Newspaper (Moscow) March 13, 1992: Major Leonid Kravets: “I was approximately one hundred corpses on the hill. One boy was headless. Everywhere was full of women, children and elderly who was tortured and murdered.”

- Valer Actuel Magazine (Paris) March 14, 1992: In this “autonomous region” Armenian Armed Forces had new technology and helicopters manufactured in the Near East. ASALA had military camps and weapon storages in Syria and Lebanon. Armenians attacked more than one hundred Muslim towns and murdered Azerbaijanis in Karabakh.

- R. Patrik, British Journalist (had been in the scene of crime): “The brutality in Hocali cannot be justified in the public!!!”

- Golos Ukraini: V Stacko: War has no face. There are only lots of masks, bloody tears, death, unhappiness, destruction. Why did they murder babies in Hocali, or the mothers? When the God wants to punish the people, he gets people’s mind.

- Nie Newspaper, Violetta Parvanova (Bulgaria): “Hocali is the tragedy of mankind.”

- March 3, 1992, BBC Morning News, 7.37 broadcast announced the situation as follows: “Our journalist mentioned he has seen more than 100 Azeri men, women and children, including the babies. They are murdered by close range head shot.”

- March 16, 1992, Newsweek, the article presented by Pascal Privat and Steve Le Vine: “Last week, Azerbaijan was again like a basement of a morgue; dozens of corpses brought to temporary morgue established in the back of a mosque, and mourning refugees. They were the Azeri residents of the Hocali town of Upper Karabakh, which is occupied by Armenian troops on February 25 and 26. Most of them were shot from close range while they were trying to escape, others had shattered faces, and some of them had skinned scalps and faces…”

- Human Rights Watch: Hocali massacre is characterized as the most comprehensive civilian slaughter since the occupation of Karabakh.

- American Journalist Thomas Goltz: “My photographer friend was so affected; I had to push him over the objects in order for him to take pictures. Bodies, graves; yes, they all required a stomach. But we had to tell the world what happened. We found the ones who are alive and immediately inscribed what they said. I tried to identify the bodies, but there were the ones who were shot in the face and cannot be recognized. Some of the bodies’ scalps were skinned.”

- Armenian Journalist who witnessed the Hocali massacre and later settled in Beirut, Daud Kheyriyan, From his book ‘For the Sake of the Cross’ (p. 62-63), describes the violence as follows: “…The Armenian group called Gaflan, which is responsible from burning of the dead, brought and pile up 100 Azeri bodies to 1 km west of Hocali on March 2. In the last truck, I saw a 10 year old girl. She was injured from her head and hands. Her face was livid. Despite the cold, hunger and injuries, she was still alive. She was breathing hardly. There was the fear of death in her eyes. At that moment, a soldier called Tigranyan held her and threw her on top of other bodies. Then they have burnt all the bodies. I thought I heard a screaming among the burning bodies. There was nothing I can do. I went back to Şuşa. They have continued fighting for the sake of the Cross.”

International Reactions

International organizations such as UN, EU did not show the necessary importance to this massacre which took place in front of the whole world. During April-November 1993, United Nations Security Council adopted 822, 853, 874 and 884 numbered decisions. These decisions stated that Azerbaijani territories are occupied by Armenians. So far, no effort was showed in order to end the occupation. European Council Parliamentary Assembly stated that Azerbaijani territories are still under Armenian occupation with its 1416 numbered decision on January 25, 2005. UN and Western countries stayed as audiences to the massacre and occupations of Armenians and they have not showed a significant reaction. Following the May 1992 attacks of Armenia to Naxcivan, Turkey mentioned that she can intervene in order to protect the region in accordance with the 1921 Kars Agreement.

On May 7, 2003, “Vatan” (Homeland) organization which represents the Azeri people living in England sent a letter to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation Committee. According to the reply, British Government stated that they are analyzing the Hocali massacre multilaterally and they are considering the Armenian massacre as a “crime against humanity.”

Also, the USA Congress International Relations Commissioner Don Barton invited the Congress to recognize ‘Hocali genocide’. In his speech in the Representative Council he stated “All the nations in the world should know and remember this. By recognizing Hocali genocide, USA Congress will break the long silence of the international community on this issue.”

In 1994, a cease-fire was declared between the two sides.

To Accept Karabakh Massacre as Genocide

The massacre in the Upper Karabakh region of Azerbaijan on February 26, 1992, overlaps with the international community’s crime definition of the genocide and the definitions of crimes against humanity.

The things Armenians and their supporters who participated in the Hocali genocide did are a genocide which is against human rights, international law agreements including Geneva Convention, Agreement on Human Rights Declaration, Citizen and Political Rights, Declaration on the Protection of Women and Children in Emergency and Armed Conflict.

Besides, Hocali genocide is parallel to the definition of genocide in the second article of the ‘United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime Genocide’ which is accepted on December 9, 1948 and ratified on January 12, 1951 stating “intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial o religious group”. The massacre took place in Hocali by Armenians is parallel to the UN Genocide Convention’s second article’s first two clauses over five. According to this article, to implement one of the five activities is enough for genocide to take place. The Hocali genocide matches with the related articles a clause which states “killing member of the group” and b clause which states “causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group”.

Besides, Hocali massacre shall be taken into consideration in accordance with the crimes against humanity which is defined Article 6 and Clause C of the Foundation Act and Court Decision of prestigious Nürnberg Court’s.

In Hocali a crime was committed according to the war crimes and other crimes, and also basic international documents.

What Should Be Done Regarding to the Hocali Genocide?

Bearing in mind the fact that the incidents took place in Hocali is characterized as genocide, the things should be done are mentioned as follows:

What Should Azerbaijan Do?

Azerbaijan should start the legal procedures regarding to the recognition of the massacre which take place in the Hocali town of the Upper Karabakh region as genocide in the international community. Azerbaijan government should apply to the International Court of Justice and file a claim in regard with the UN Genocide Convention which is accepted on December 9, 1948. In accordance with the necessary evidences all the political actors and military commanders participated in the Hocali Genocide, including the current President of Armenia, Robert Koçaryan and the Minister of Defense and the strong candidate of the future presidency Serj Sarkisyan, should be clearly specified and asked for their punishment. As both Armenia (in 1993) and Azerbaijan (in 1996) signed the UN Genocide Convention, they are bounded with the Convention. For example, Bosnia Herzigovina applied to this court and requested the adjudication of the former Yugoslavia President Slobadan Milosevic. During the trial, International Court of Justice judged Milosevic because of the slaughter of 7000 Bosnians in Srebrenitsa in 1995 and considered this slaughter as genocide.

On the other hand, Azerbaijan should use petrol trump card effectively in the Hocali issue and in other problems with Armenia.
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این ارامنه هستند که باید از تورکها عذر خواهی کنند

بیزیم سولدوز: فرزاد صمدلی: به دنبال راه اندازی کامپانیای امضا از سوی جمعی از دشمنان عدالت و حقیقت، در راستای حمایت از ادعای دروغین ارامنه، از ظهر امروز 27 آذر، سایتی در اینترنت با نام "منتظر عذرخواهی ارامنه ایم"راه اندازی شد که از بدو آغاز به کار، هزاران تن در همان ساعات اولیه اقدام به امضای آن نمودند.

متاسفانه به نا به دلایل نامعلوم، در حدود 12 هزار امضا که در عرض چند ساعت جمع آوری شده بود از سایت حذف گردید.

از ساعت 16 عصر،  مسئولین سایت با انتشار بیانیه ای در سایت مجددا خواستار امضای مردم شدند. این بار تعداد امضاها  تا ساعت 23 شب به وقت آنکارا، به قریب 20 هزار امضا بالغ گردید. سرعت افزایش تعداد امضا ها به قدری زیادی است که در هر ثانیه دست کم دوامضا از سراسر جهان به ظومار موجود در سایت افزوده می شود.

در حال حاضر آدرس این سایت از طریق ارسال پیامهای کوتاه و ای میل، به سرعت در سراسر ترکیه در حال انتشار است. از مردم خواستار می شود که برای دفاع از ناموس ملی و تاریخی خوددر برابر مدافعان جنایتکاران داشناک سکوت ننمایند.

لازم به ذکر است که به دنبال حرکت جمعی از آرمنو فیلهای اصالتا ارمنی و یونانی تبار و برخی از کمونسیتهای کرد و ترک، مردم سراسر ترکیه از آنچه که در حال وقوع است به شدت ناراضی و عصبانی هستند.

همه یکصدا با بیان مظلومیتهای تاریخی مردم آذربایجان شمالی در قره باغ و بخصوص در خوجالی، ننگ و شرم بی پایان، نثار کسانی می کنند که پا بر خون بی گناهان گذاشته اند.

لطفا آدرس این سایت را به هرطریق ممکن در اختیار دیگران قرار دهید

قریب به 40 هزار تن، طی کمتر از 30 ساعت، با امضای طوماری در اینترنت خواهان عذر خواهی ارامنه از جنایتهای وحشیانه ای شدند که علیه ترکها و مسلمانان مرتکب شده اند.

آنکارا: فرزاد صمدلی: در کمتر از 30 ساعتی که (از ساعت 16 روز 4شنبه الی ساعت 22 روز 5 شنبه)از به امضا گذاشته شدن طوماری جهت درخواست عذرخواهی ارامنه به دلیل جنایتهای وحشیانه شان در طول قرن گذشته علیه مسلمانان و ترکهای سه حوزه قفقاز، ایران و آناتولی  می گذرد قریب به 40 هزار تن از سراسر جهان اقدام به امضای این طومار نموده اند. در این میان نزدیک به 10 هزار تن از امضا کنندگان این نامه اینترنتی دلیل امضای این طومار را در سایت مذکور و در قسمت "چونکولر"بیان کرده اند. شایان ذکر است که 11 هزار امضا، غیر از این 40 هزار امضای کنونی، دیروز به به دلایل نامعلومی از سایت اینترنتی این طومار پاک شده است!

سرعت امضای این طومار همچنان بسیار بالا است به نحویکه در هر یک ثانیه دست کم دو نفر نسبت به امضای ان اقدام می کنند.

در حالیکه سایت بی بی سی و برخی دیگر از سایتهای فارسی زبان اقدام به انتشار طومار عذرخواهی برخی از روشنفکران ترکیه ای از ارامنه نموده بودند در قبال این طومار جدید ساکتند و خبری منتشر نکرده اند.
در این میان دولت باغچه لی رهبر حزب حرکت ملی ترکیه در سخنانی که امروز صبح در دیدار با خبرنگاران برزبان راند اظهار داشت که از تلاش عده ای از به اصطلاح روشنفکران ترکیه برای امضای طوماری در راستای عذرخواهی از آنچه که آنان قتل عام ارامنه می نامند احساس شرمندگی می کند و اقدام این افراد را شدیدا محکوم می نماید.

رجب طیب اردوغان نخست وزیر ترکیه نیز اظهار داشت که اقدام برخی ازبه اصطلاح روشنفرکان ترکیه ای در امضای طومار عذر خواهی از ارامنه، اقدامی بی نهایت غلط است و به هیچ وجه با واقعیات مطابق نیست.
در این میان از عموم فعالین حرکت ملی آذربایجان در خواست می شود که از هر طریق ممکن آدرس سایت اینترنتی ذیل را به مردم معرفی کنند: